Registered trademarks
Registered trademarks
The Carlo Collodi National Foundation has filed internationally to register some trademarks that identify the original Collodi Pinocchio and Pinocchio Park to promote, protect, and distinguished by merchandising born and bred only in Italy.
Based on the registered trademark, "Pinocchio di C. Collodi" of Collodi's original Pinocchio, numerous Italian-made products have been made and marketed in Italy and abroad.
The foundation has entrusted the management and protection of its brands to Studio Giambrocono of Milan, with whose consultancy it has managed to obtain an agreement with Disney for non-conflictual management of the Pinocchio brands, favored by the international relations undertaken with the USA for the Year of Italian Culture in the USA.
Anyone interested in requesting one or more of the original Collodi Pinocchio registered trademarks should contact the foundation at this address