European Projects
European Projects
The Collodi Foundation has established cooperative relationships with numerous foreign institutes and institutions for significant, often lasting research on an international level. Since 2007, this has included European-level planning, participating in the European Commission’s calls for cultural and educational proposals. In this regard, the foundation has promoted projects for training children and adults, in which Pinocchio is the driving force for intercultural dialogue, intergenerational encounters, a new approach to learning in primary education, and the enhancement of innovative artistic activities.
More specifically, in recent years, the Collodi Foundation has been a partner or leader of the following projects:
ERASMUS+ Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects 2015 (KA3)
> META-Minority groups Education Through Art, to develop innovative school policies and curricula in teaching the social inclusion of minorities (applicant: Belgian organization International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation; duration: 30 months; provider: EACEA, Agency European Union for Education - Brussels; conclusion: April 2018)
> MOV-UP_Early Childhood Education - building sustainable motivation and value paradigms for life, to train pre-school/kindergarten and primary school teachers who know how to take action to socialize children from different backgrounds at risk of marginalization (applicant: Nadezda District, Municipality of Sofia, Bulgaria; duration: 36 months; provider: EACEA, European Agency for Education - Brussels; conclusion: December 2019);
Erasmus+ projects (KA2, strategic partnerships):
> ARTinED online: A new approach to education using the arts, development of an online course for teachers derived from the COMENIUS ARTinED project (applicant: Swedish organization Viksjoefors Baletten Association; duration: 36 months; provider: Erasmus+ Swedish National Agency)
> T&D Stories-Theater and Digital Storytelling for Teaching and Training Development, on the use of the theater and digital storytelling as tools for the active social inclusion of minorities (applicant: Polish non-profit organization Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne Teatr Grodzki; duration: 24 months; provider: Erasmus+ Polish National Agency)
> Pinocchio Joins the Orchestra, promoting orchestral music as a tool for dialogue and knowledge (applicant: Istituto Comprensivo - I.C.L. Strenta Tongiorgi, Pisa; duration: 36 months; provider: Erasmus+ Indire National Agency).